We Welcome Kind Words

Elphos Weekly is all about sharing stories about kind acts, amazingly simple acts that make a huge difference, and other resources, like Elphos.org, that are trying to spread happiness in our community.
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I know its not Friday. . .

Monday, March 24, 2008 8:35 PM

Okay, so I know that it isn't Friday - but, well, I just feel like writing.

I just finished watching the movie I am Reed Fish, which I could love just for the title. If I have a son, I'll name him Reed - if she'll let me.

It is one of those young kid trying to "find" himself movie, with a little bit of twist on the manner of its story telling. Makes the genre it was modeled after not so obvious. But what I do like about it is that this Fish character is a nice guy through out the movie - with some bumps in the road while trying to find happiness for himself. It gives me an overall "good" feeling after watching it.

I've noticed that I have been gravitating to such movies. Watching movies over and over again that have a good earth feeling about them. What I mean is that they touch the soul in the right places. I've watched Amelie again, my all time favorite do gooder movie (It is subtitled - but worth it! I've even watched it with out subtitles just because the cinematography is so great!)

Even the movie, Into the Wild By Colin MacLean, although depressing at the end, had a great message that happiness is found with others in your life.

I've also just started reading a book called This I Believe, which is a collection of people's personal philosophies on life - and what they believe to be true. I've found that while reading them, the common theme of goodness, kindness to others and love are reoccurring themes.

All of these movies, and books that I have been drawn to recently are small little pokes to the soul. They give us that quick reminder about the reasons why we have been put on this earth.


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